MarCCO: Stories of Change

Farmers’ Organization Story: Christie Marasigan

“Harvesting the fruit of partnership to serve” – The program AFOSP and FO4A has opened the door for everyone to realize the possibilities to improve, learn, know their roles, and understand their duties to collaborate. From farmers to MarCCO staff and people from the government, Christie fastened the rope of partnership and benefits from what to build upon from the trust.

Read more about MarCCO’s story from Christie…


Farmers’ Organization Story: Modesto Landicho

“I chair the vision, the farmers walk the mission, and the key to expanding our membership is to show others how you treat your existing members. It is always gratifying to see farmers who help themselves.”

Read more about MarCCO’s story from Ka Modi…


Farmers’ Organization Story: Marlon Moong

“A farmer technician and a farmer by faith” – Marlon is a farmer with functional hands, from providing directions in the cooperative to selflessly sharing technical knowledge and spiritual guidance to their community. His skills do not belong solely to the soil itself flourishing crops, but to sharpen and foster the mind and cores of every farmer to harvest the fruits of their hard work and faith in farming.

Read more about MarCCO’s story from Marlon…


Farmers’ Organization Story: Ellen Batan

“I’m a Farmer and I keep Learning.” – Ellen’s story may be similar to other farmers who work hard to earn a living. Still, her learning gave farming a bet¬ter meaning of benefiting the environment by voluntarily sharing knowledge and servicing the cooperative for its sustenance.

Read more about MarCCO’s story from Ellen…



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