AsiaDHRRA conducts advisory mission in Vietnam

31 August 2021–AsiaDHRRA organized a ten-day field mission visit to its farmers’ organization partners and convened meetings with its members in Vietnam. Secretary-General Ms. Marlene Ramirez, Finance Manager Ms. Lorna David, and Senior Program Managers Mr. Florante Villas and Mr. Cezar Belangel were accompanied by Ms. Nguyen Thi Viet Hà, Vice-Director of External Affairs & […]
RAI: a success story of Sihn Duoc cooperative in Vietnam
Nihn Bihn, Vietnam – Engaging Youth on Responsible Agricultural Investments: A success story of Sinh Duoc Cooperative, serving the increasing demand of health and beauty products in Vietnam through their traditional handicrafts including herbal salt, herbal soap, foot soak, etc.; and, creating more jobs in local villages. The cooperative was founded in 2009. In 2015, […]
New AsiaDHRRA Chairperson meets with the Secretariat
Quezon City, Philippines – AsiaDHRRA Secretariat welcomed the new ExeCom Chairperson, Dr. Nguyen Xuan Hong, at the headquarters on 23-24 January 2019 for an initial planning session in preparation for the upcoming AsiaDHRRA Annual Planning and ExeCom Meeting. During his two-day visit, the Secretariat provided him with the overview of AsiaDHRRA’s core programs, staffs’ profiles, […]
AsiaDHRRA Co-organizes FinMa and MEAL Training Workshops in Vietnam
Hanoi, Vietnam —AsiaDHRRA, together with the International Cooperation Division (ICD) of the Vietnam National Farmers Union (VNFU), and VietDHRRA, co-organized training workshops on Financial Management (FinMa) and Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability, and Learning (MEAL) simultaneously, in Hanoi, Vietnam last December 11-13, 2017. The Directorate-General for Development Cooperation (DGD) of the Belgian government supported the training, under […]
AsiaDHRRA Co-organizes Constructive Engagement and Policy Advocacy Training Workshop in Vietnam
Lam Dong, Vietnam — AsiaDHRRA, together with the Vietnam Farmers Union (VNFU) and VietDHRRA co-organized the follow-up workshop on Constructive Engagement and Policy Advocacy: Facilitation, Managing Policy Dialogue, and Public Consultation Skills Training Workshop on December 6-8, 2017 at Dalat, Lam Dong, Vietnam. It was designed to enhance the capacities of the members of the […]
VietDHRRA conducts its 4th General Assembly
Hanoi, Vietnam – VietDHRRA, hosted by Center for Agricultural Extension Volunteers, organized its 4th General Assembly on 23-24 March 2017. It was participated by representatives of 17 member-organizations. The General Assembly agreed on the priority agenda of the network in the next three years and the action points for revitalizing the network, including mobilization of […]
VNFU Training on Effective Policy Advocacy
Training activities related to the 2nd Phase of Asiadhrra cooperation with the Vietnam Farmers’ Union on Constructive Engagement for effective policy advocacy resulting to responsive services and programs to its members continue on with the latest activity conducted on March 30 – April 6, 2014 in Hanoi, Vietnam. The knowledge exchange is being brought down […]
Vietdhrra conducts capacity development trainings in Quang Ninh Province
Vietdhrra continues to provide capacity development trainings to rural communities in Vietnam in line with its goal of accelerating rural development. From April 20-27 2014, under the guidance of Mr. Thang Tai of Vietdhrra, trainings on goat raising techniques and establishing interest groups were successfully conducted in 4 different communes in Binh Lieu district, Quang […]
Vietdhrra hosts exchange visit of Philippine Agri Teachers
CAEV-Vietdhrra hosted an an exchange visit by teachers and professors from the Nueva Vizcaya State University of the Philippines where they learned how CAEV-Vietdhrra utilizes participatory approach in promoting agricultural extension services and gender-responsive activities in the rural communities of Vietnam.
CAEV Newsletter on ToT on Poultry Raising
CAEV-VietDHRRA is sharing their latest newsletter with this issue highlighting the recently conducted ToT Training on Poultry Raising Techniques. Download the newsletter in PDF here..