Role of knowledge management and communication in value chains

For TechTusday, here’s a rather serious and insightful reading especially if your work focuses on market intermediation. Lots of ideas to bounce around. Abstract This paper emphasizes the role of knowledge management and communication in value chains from the perspective of resource-poor producers in Latin America. Based on value chain literature, social network theories and […]

Visit DigitalGreen!

TechTuesday showcases an interesting Indian website – DigitalGreen– that seeks to disseminate targeted agricultural information to small and marginal farmers in India through digital video. The Digital Green system sustains relevancy in a community by developing a framework for participatory learning. The system includes a digital video database, which is produced by farmers and experts.

Effective Campaigns using Web 2.0

TechTuesday gifts you with this toolbox from the TacticalCollective via Eldis containing tips, techniques and advice on using new technologies for advocacy. How can Web 2.0 new interactive internet tools and multimedia be used for advocacy and international development? The toolkit provides information and advice on developing your communication and advocacy strategy and using the following types of […]

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