Family farmer´s challenges and solutions to cope with COVID-19 in ASEAN countries

The webinar “ASEAN family farmers and COVID-19: impacts, innovations, investments” provided an opportunity to discuss the impact of COVID-19 in the agricultural sector of the ASEAN countries, examine challenges to food systems, and identify measures and opportunities to build more resilient and sustainable agriculture and food systems in the recovery phase. The COVID-19 pandemic is […]

AsiaDHRRA convenes ReCoERDO-Asia 6th Regional Project Coordinators (RPC) and Project Advisory Committee (PAC) meeting

recoerdo 6th rpc-pac

Quezon City – AsiaDHRRA convened ReCoERDo-Asia’s Regional Project Coordinators (RPC) and Project Advisory Committee (PAC) Members in the 6th Joint RPC and PAC Meeting on 27-28 July 2020 via Zoom. Some 40 participants attended the meeting including the AsiaDHRRA ExeCom and secretariat members, and National Project Management team members from CamboDHRRA, InDHRRA/Bina Desa, DHRRA Malaysia, LaoDHRRA, […]

RAI: a success story of Sihn Duoc cooperative in Vietnam

Nihn Bihn, Vietnam – Engaging Youth on Responsible Agricultural Investments: A success story of Sinh Duoc Cooperative, serving the increasing demand of health and beauty products in Vietnam through their traditional handicrafts including herbal salt, herbal soap, foot soak, etc.; and, creating more jobs in local villages. The cooperative was founded in 2009. In 2015, […]

AsiaDHRRA launches monograph on Responsible Agricultural Investments

AsiaDHRRA is pleased to announce the publication (print and digital) of the following books: 2020 publication: 2018-2019 publication: 1. A Guidebook for Capacitating Farmers’ Organizations towards Effective Engagement of Public Agriculture Development Programs 2. ASEAN Economic Integration through the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) 3. Ensuring Climate Resilience of Rural Communities in Asia: A proposal for […]

Ngudi Mulyo in partnership with InDHRRA conducts e-training on natural farming

Yogyakarta,Indonesia – Ngudi Mulyo in partnership with Yayasan Bina Desa /InDHRRA conducted an online “Training on Development of Natural Agriculture and Aquaculture Planning” on 29-30 June 2020, via Zoom. The training was attended by 26 participants representing seven (7) farmer groups in Patuk and Karangmojo Districts. Ngudi Mulyo is one of the farmers organizations supported by FFP-AFOSP program of Agri […]

DHRRA Malaysia responds to COVID-19 thru #covidcaremy

DHRRA malaysia launched the #covidcaremy initiative in mid-March, to help respond to the COVID-19 pandemic, especially after receiving calls for financial support from underprivileged and vulnerable households which depend on a daily wage. COVIDCAREMY aims to support marginalized and vulnerable communities who are excluded from national COVID-19 response measures, and hopefully alleviate hardships experienced as […]

AsiaDHRRA, PhilDHRRA, Christian Aid, share results of the Post-Mangkhut Agricultural and Livelihood Assessment

Quezon City – AsiaDHRRA, in partnership with PhilDHRRA, with support from Christian Aid, conducts a “Presentation/Sharing of Scoping Results with Multi-stakeholder Groups” at Microtel by Wyndham, UP Technohub, Quezon City. The activity presented the result from the 6-month scoping study entitled “Agriculture and Livelihood Assessment in Mangkhut-affected Areas” conducted in May 2019, which aimed at […]