AsiaDHRRA Business Planning workshop in Indonesia (with Bina Desa), and, Climate Change mitigation action in Myanmar (with MyanDHRRA) featured in the first bi-yearly EU-ASEAN Newsletter of 2019.

AsiaDHRRA Business Planning workshop in Indonesia (with Bina Desa), and, Climate Change mitigation action in Myanmar (with MyanDHRRA) featured in the first bi-yearly EU-ASEAN Newsletter of 2019. Read the full copy here:

AsiaDHRRA attends rice mill launching of KTLFA in Myanmar

Einme Township, Myanmar – AsiaDHRRA attended the blessing and launching of Kyone Ta Loke Farmers’ Association’s (KTLFA) rice mill on 18 December 2018 at Einme Township. This is the first ever farmer-owned rice mill in the township. AsiaDHRRA, through its program Farmers Fighting Poverty, supported the establishment of the said rice mill, including its dwelling […]

AsiaDHRRA, MyanDHRRA train FO and NGO leaders on market bargaining power

Yangon, Myanmar – AsiaDHRRA and MyanDHRRA organized a training-workshop, entitled: “Strategies on Building Small Farmers’ Market Bargaining Power”, which gathered around 32 representatives from national and local farmers organizations, local and international NGOs, research institutions, and, faith-based groups working with small farmers. It was held on 21-23 January 2016 at Myanmar Sports Hotel, Yangon, Myanmar. […]

AsiaDHRRA, MyanDHRRA to host workshop on market empowerment of small farmers

This training workshop aims to develop understanding of participants and enhance their skills in utilizing available strategies and tools to build small producers market bargaining power.  The participants’ insights and views will also serve as guide in succeeding capacity building activities. The participants include representatives from national and local farmers’ organizations, civil society/NGOs, and faith-based […]

Asiadhrra breaks ground for new opportunities for rural development cooperation in Myanmmar

In October 2013, hosted by ECE of the Catholic Bishops Conference of Myanmar (CBCM), Asiadhrra  leaders  engaged in a partnership dialogue with MyanDHRRA leaders. This is in light of the new opportunities to strengthen cooperation focused on supporting  farmers’ organizations and building learning models of rural farming communities. The stakeholders’ capabilities are also expected to […]

AsiaDHRRA organizes project mission in Myanmar

On April 7 to 13, 2013, AsiaDHRRA organized a project mission to Myanmar. The Asiadhrra Mission Team was composed of Marlene D. Ramirez, Asiadhrra Secretary General,  Florante Villas, Asiadhrra Market Access Manager,  Rev. Kya Moo and Lucrecia Naw Kyu Khin, focal points of Myandhrra in Yangon. The political and economic transformation are taking place in […]

MyanDHRRA visits AsiaDHRRA

Mr. Zaw Zaw Han, Chairman of Ever Green Group – Social Enterprise Partnership for Development, a member of MyanDHRRA dropped by our office for a visit after attending the CSO Forum on AFCC held in Manila on March 1, 2011. Mr. Han and Asiadhrra staff had a fruitful discussion as they discussed the activities of […]

MyanDHRRA is newest member of the DHRRA Network

MyanDHRRA, as represented by the SEARSOLIN Alumni Association of Myanmar (SAAM) was ratified as the newest member of the DHRRA network. The members warmly welcomed the MyanDHRRA representatives who vowed to also develop their DHRRA in the coming years. After more than four years of inter-action with SAAM, it was already deemed timely to respond […]