The Future Control of Food

HungerWednesday brings another good read from IDRC though a bit on the heavy side. Perfect for late night or airport departure lounge reading. A must read for food rights advocates and CSO workers. This book is the first wide-ranging guide to the key issues of intellectual property and ownership, genetics, biodiversity, and food security. Proceeding […]

Philippines' Rice sufficiency officers undergo re-tooling workshop

HungerWednesday brings this interesting tidbit- Philippines actually have “Rice Sufficiency Officers”. Pretty interesting right? and they’re undergoing a retooling workshop. They must need this as they have a kinda daunting task ahead of them — ensuring a rice-sufficient Philippines by 2013. Close to 100 rice sufficiency officers (RSOs) and PhilRice officials nationwide gathered for the […]

Here comes the miniature cows

HungerWednesday brings this rather bewildering agri trend in the US -farmers switching to miniature cows as ontesibly they are cheaper to raise than the fullsize ones. The mini cows are cute alright and they might be cheaper to maintain, but couldnt the farmers keep fewer full size cows instead? Also how can anybody slaughter cows […]