Banned Pesticides found in Chinese Teas

We consume a fair amount of tea here in the office and this newsbit from Greenpeace East Asia had us a bit worried. “A Greenpeace investigation has found pesticides banned for use on tea in the products marketed by some of China’s top tea companies. Some of the firms, which include China Tea, Tenfu Tea […]

Are pesticides killing the bees?

FrankenThursday is back with this bit from Wired.  The cause of the recent bee colony collapse disorder continues to generate heated debates. And this new study will further ratchet up the discussions as everyone tries to figure out the cause and identify solutions to save our friendly pollinators . A controversial new study of honeybee […]

GM Crops and the future of food and farming

FrankenThursday wants you to study more about GM issues and this journal we got at Eldis is just perfect 🙂 to arm you with insights and facts about the interplay of GM on the issues of food and farming. A good read most def. Download the PDF here…. Articles included: Diversity in international biosafety regulation: […]

Farmers and Seed Producers to challenge Monsanto anew

Stumbled upon this newsbit in time for FrankenThursday at the Cornucopia Institute. Seems like american organic farmers and seed producers have filed a lawsuit against Monsanto to “prohibit  the biotechnology giant from suing organic farmers and seed growers if innocently contaminated by roundup ready genes.” NEW York: On behalf of 60 family farmers, seed businesses […]

GM Mosquito out and about now

FrankenThursday’s where it gets a bit freaky.  I’m not sure though if i like self-terminating mosquitoes. Surely some even more freaky mosquitoes would evolve from this. Anyways just tellin’ you all that frankenmosquitoes are available now. to. bite. you. Seriously though, why didn’t they just make those mosquitoes averse to human blood or to humans? […]

GMO Canolas found growing in the wild in the US

FrankenThursday brings this worrying article from NPR which says that “A survey of North Dakota has turned up hundreds of genetically modified canola plants growing along roads across the state.” Aint that scary? Apart from safety, health and ecological concerns this has legal ramifications as well, as GMO purveyors like Monsanto has  been known to […]

How GM Seeds Killed More Indians than World War II

FrankenThursday goes back to that underreported tragedy that is the Indian Farmer suicides. Again from  Celsias. One of the least-reported tragedies that resulted from globalization and corporatization of agriculture is the farmer suicide story of India – a tragedy comprising several hundred thousand individual tragedies, and possibly the ‘largest wave of suicides in history’. Last […]

Are you ready for FrankenSugar?

One by one, biotech companies are steadily making GMO versions of our staple foods. We should stop this madness! Ya its FrankenThursday. Eat healthy today ok? From Grain: The looming GM sugar cane invasionOne of the most destructive developments in agriculture over the past two decades has been the boom in soya production in the […]

Want some FrankenRice?

Nothings more asian than rice. And when some people mess with it we take serious offence right? FrankenThursday‘s out to frighten you with this evil FrankenRice that is sure to make way down your gut unless you heed Greenpeace call to reject it. NOW! Please sign the petition here!!! The GE rice has been developed […]

Monsanto sues more small family farmers

FrankenThursday brings this anger-inducing news that Monsanto is suing yet another North American farmer for having his own field contaminated with FrankenCanola from another field through no fault of his own. That is just so wow! right? Let this serve as a reminder to Asian farmers to never ever plant any FrankenSeeds nor be near […]