Building a Biogas Plant to Supply a Farm Household

Farm technology again for FarmFriday courtesy of FFTC Archives. This is a  concise howto on building  a small Biogas plant that can supply the energy needs of a farm household. This technology was developed by the Department of Agriculture and Forestry Extension, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, the full howto on Building a […]

Multi-Purpose Paddy Sowing Machine

FarmFriday is back again after a long rest 🙂 and today we feature this machine  developed by the Department of Agriculture of Thailand. We got this from our friends over at FFTC. This machine attempts to resolve the following problem encountered using manual sowing “for a consistent spread, farmers have to constantly cast the seeds […]

Examples of mechanical dryers in Southeast Asia

Farm Friday found this bit in the IRRI Knowledgebank about dryers that have gained popularity in usage in SEA. “The dryers featured here are not neccessarily the best technical solution but, because they are accepted by the users, they seem to offer a good compromise between drying cost and benefits in terms of higher quality […]

PhilRice Farm Machines: MicroTiller

By popular demand we will be posting again farm machines developed by government and research institutions in Southeast Asia. Again here’s PhilRice with their microtiller which is just perfect for small family farms and those starting out on mechanizing their rice farms.  Am not sure if this machine is the one designed also for use […]

Philippine Gov't distributes to farmers and fisherfolk State-of-the-Art BIF Freezers

This is a very interesting tidbit which we stumbled upon while googling for the filipino inventor Mr. Hernando Decena because we were interested in this agribusiness forum  given by MAP about “Cutting Big Post Harvest Losses Using Filipino Invented Multifunction Freezing Machine”. BTW, go visit the MAP website and subscribe to their e-newsletter –might interest […]

Keeping your fruit orchard bird free

What’s worse than schoolkids raiding your treasured fruit orchard? why, those pesky fruitbirds of course! FarmFriday shares this interesting research paper in the Japanese Journal of Farm Work Research entitled Protection of Citrus from Bird Damage by a Dog.  The text is in japanese but the abstract is in english: Effectiveness of a dog (Canis […]