All is well in Marinaleda, Spain

FarmFriday brings this interesting and inspiring article from the NYTimes about a socialist town in Spain that’s been doing really well despite the economic challenges currently gripping Spain. Laura Leon | New York Times MARINALEDA, Spain — The people of this small Andalusian town have never been shy about their political convictions. Since they occupied […]

Producing more while spending less

From Philrice comes this interesting story… His is the story of the proverbial “turning setbacks into opportunities”. For half of his life, a man as blessed as Hermie Saclayan, 64, of San Mateo, Isabela is now literally reaping the fruits of the sweat of his brows. During his early years in rice farming, Saclayan learned […]

Nitrogen Fixing Tree Start-up Guide

For FarmFriday we have this comprehensive 12-page guide from This introduces nitrogen fixing trees and their products and uses in tropical agroforestry. Extensive charts for species selection are included. Download the Nitrogen Fixing Tree Start-up Guide here… Visit for more info and agroforestry publications

IFAD InnoWat: Water retention and harvesting

Its summertime in most of southeast Asia these time around and water worries are becoming once again topics of discussions. Here’s an interesting read from IFAD about one their water projects. Water retention and harvesting Context An estimated 40 per cent of the world population lives in arid and semi-arid areas. Rainfall is limited and […]