Super dense livestock herding to combat desertification

Here’s an interesting article from about reversing desertification. The project, the winner of the 2010  Buckminster Fuller Challenge evangelizes the approach called  “holistic management” in combating desertification. “The core of Holistic Management is simply grazing local livestock in super dense herds that mimic the grazing patterns of big-game (which have since disappeared). Those livestock […]

Filipino rice farmers’ socioecon status is improving

FarmFriday shares this interesting newsbit we picked up from PhilRice about a research they conducted that showed Filipino rice farmers have steadily improved their socio-economic status over the past 10 years or so. Any reactions? There is a steady improvement in the social and economic status among Filipino rice farmers and their household for the […]

Korea shares japonica rice variety with filipino farmers

For FarmFriday we share this interesting newsbit we found in our inbox from IRRI. IRRI News | 04 May 2010 | Los Baños, Philippines Rice growers in Bohol, an island province of the Philippines, are expecting higher rice yields and income thanks to new japonica rice varieties developed in collaboration with Korea and the International […]

International Agri Policy marginalizes farmers

FarmFriday shares this interesting newsbit from IPS. This highlights again the need to support agriculture in general and smallholder farmers in particular. IPS|By Stephen Leahy How’s this for short-sighted: A billion people go hungry every day, food prices have climbed 30 to 40 percent, climate change is reducing agricultural production – and for the past […]

Report on the Future of Family Farming Conference

FarmFriday shares this nugget. Available for download is the report of the ileia organised conference on the Future of Family Farming. ileia organised a conference on the Future of Family Farming, on the occasion of its 25th anniversary. Keynote speakers like Camilla Toulmin from the UK, K.S. Gopal from India and Olufunke Cofie from Ghana […]

A look at FAO's Gender and Land Rights Database

We’ve been clicking stuff  ”round the FAO Database and its been an interesting time  so far. Good for FarmFriday. The coolest feature was the ability to choose and create 3 types of report in a kind of mix and match way. Give it a try! pay a visit to the FAO Gender and Land Rights […]

IFAD President pushes for more efforts in linking smallholder farmers to private sector

FarmFriday highlights this is very interesting newsbit from IFAD with its President Kanayo F. Nwanze pushing for more efforts  to linking smallholder farmers to the private sector: “In Davos, I intend to show business leaders how linking smallholder farmers to the private sector is key to building the economy of developing countries. The private sector […]

Keeping your fruit orchard bird free

What’s worse than schoolkids raiding your treasured fruit orchard? why, those pesky fruitbirds of course! FarmFriday shares this interesting research paper in the Japanese Journal of Farm Work Research entitled Protection of Citrus from Bird Damage by a Dog.  The text is in japanese but the abstract is in english: Effectiveness of a dog (Canis […]

PhilRice debuts precision seeder

We like farm equipments especially local inventions so for FarmFriday we showcase this updated version of the seeder produced by PhilRice. If you would like to know more or are interested in buying this machine please contact 0920-911-1398. Even with low-cost drum and precision seeders around capable of seeding rice seeds in rows at 20 […]

A look at public–private partnerships for agricultural innovation

FarmFriday presents this report from ELDIS about the growing trend in public-private partnership in Latin America. Might provide us Asians some new perspective or approaches in agricultural development work. Abstract This report outlines how public-private partnerships (PPPs) constitute a new mode of operation in many fields of development, including the development of innovation in developing […]