Guidelines in using the Maligaya Flatbed Dryer

FarmFriday has this to share to our readers who have installed the maligaya flatbed dryer or planning to install one. Here’s a few reminders from PhilRice: Check/monitor the temperature of drying air, air static pressure at the plenum, and grain depth when operating the dryer. When drying palay for seed purposes, the temperature should not […]

Managing your pigs with the LongArm

Say you have a thousand head pig farm going, and you’re alone to do all the work. How would you herd your pigs from one place to another? Enter canadian pig farmer Mary Haugh. She came up with “The Longarm”, “a roller that dispenses a swath of red cloth–a sort of farm version of the […]

Legowo System for Fish-Rice Intercropping

Fish and rice is always a tasty combo right? FarmFriday shares this farming method developed by the Assessment Institute of Agricultural Technology (AIAT), Ungaran, Indonesia.  Thanks again to FFTC. Learn how to setup the Legowo System here….

Building a Biogas Plant to Supply a Farm Household

Farm technology again for FarmFriday courtesy of FFTC Archives. This is a  concise howto on building  a small Biogas plant that can supply the energy needs of a farm household. This technology was developed by the Department of Agriculture and Forestry Extension, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, the full howto on Building a […]

Multi-Purpose Paddy Sowing Machine

FarmFriday is back again after a long rest 🙂 and today we feature this machine  developed by the Department of Agriculture of Thailand. We got this from our friends over at FFTC. This machine attempts to resolve the following problem encountered using manual sowing “for a consistent spread, farmers have to constantly cast the seeds […]

Radically Rethinking Agriculture for the 21st Century

As the year draws to a close, FarmFriday leaves you with this interesting bit from ScienceMag. Food for thought as another year is about to start. Happy New Year everyone and may we all have a peaceful, just and bountiful year ahead… Population growth, arable land and fresh water limits, and climate change have profound […]

Precision Agriculture and Food Security

FarmFriday is here and glad to share this article to help you brush up on latest agri technologies in use and how they can be instrumental in attaining food security… Abstract Precision agriculture comprises a set of technologies that combines sensors, information systems, enhanced machinery, and informed management to optimize production by accounting for variability […]

The miracle of Brazilian agriculture

FarmFriday, shares this thought-provoking article from the The Economist about Brazil’s success in developing its vast savannah into one of the world’s great breadbasket. Make sure to read the article comments for some interesting viewpoints. The increase in Brazil’s farm production has been stunning. Between 1996 and 2006 the total value of the country’s crops […]

Examples of mechanical dryers in Southeast Asia

Farm Friday found this bit in the IRRI Knowledgebank about dryers that have gained popularity in usage in SEA. “The dryers featured here are not neccessarily the best technical solution but, because they are accepted by the users, they seem to offer a good compromise between drying cost and benefits in terms of higher quality […]

Creating the "Ideal Crop"

FarmFriday shares this interesting article by Elizabeth Pennisi in ScienceMag about the scientific community’s efforts in creating “the ideal crop” and “developing new technologies for a better farming future” Substantial improvements are needed in current crops to achieve higher yields and sustainable farming. To achieve those gains, agricultural companies have turned to robotics and other […]