Cooperation in promoting digital agriculture implementation in Cambodia

AsiaDHRRA and Cambodhrra organized a stakeholders’ meeting for its latest collaboration on Smallholder Economic Empowerment through the Digital Solutions (SEEDS) project with the Research and Agri-extension and Rural Development Divisions of the Royal University of Agriculture on 26 February 2024 at Phnom Penh, Cambodia. The meeting discussed implementing the SEEDS project in various programs, including […]

Digitalisation on Eradicating Poverty and Malnutrition in the Region

AsiaDHRRA participated in the 7th Southeast Asia Multi-Stakeholder Forum “Reinforcing the 2030 Agenda and Eradicating Poverty in Times of Multiple Crises,” organized by the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP) on 6-8 November 2023, via hybrid modality, Bangkok, Thailand. Ms. Marlene Ramirez, AsiaDHRRA Secretary-General, presented the Role of CSOs […]

Shaping and Framing Rural Digitalization – DVEA Validation Workshop in Cambodia, Indonesia, Philippines and Vietnam

AsiaDHRRA’s partner DHRRAs in Cambodia, Indonesia, Philippines, and Vietnam conducted a validation workshop on Digital Village Ecosystem Assessment (DVEA), a component step of the Digital Village Initiative (DVI) programme to analyze and understand the current status of digitalization and readiness of selected villages.  The workshop aims to validate the DVEA results by generating feedback on […]

AsiaDHRRA organized the Digital Village Ecosystem Analysis (DVEA) results and planning workshop

AsiaDHRRA and the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) organized the presentation of Digital Village Ecosystem Analysis (DVEA) results and Planning Workshop Activity of the Rural Transformation and Digital Village Development in select ASEAN countries on 1 December 2022 via zoom.  The workshop responds to the plans with the villages anticipating bringing new digital development opportunities […]

AsiaDHRRA and CamboDHRRA co-organized a side-event on Digital Agriculture

The Asian Partnership for the Development of Human Resources in Rural Areas (AsiaDHRRA), through its partner member/partner CamboDHRRA, co-organized a side event on “Agricultural Digitalization: Implications on Economic Justice, Digital Justice & Food Sovereignty in Southeast Asia.” The workshop was coordinated with the ETCgroup and Climate Watch Thailand during the ASEAN Civil Society Conference / […]

Digital Village Ecosystem Assessment analysis on select ASEAN countries

The Asian Partnership for the Development of Human Resources in Rural Areas (AsiaDHRRA) organized a series of Digital Village Ecosystem (DVEA) analyses in four select countries, namely, the Philippines, Cambodia, Indonesia, and Vietnam, on 28 September and on 3, 4, and 10 October 2022, respectively, via Zoom.  The event was joined by members and partners […]

AsiaDHRRA organized a forum on Digital Agriculture

AsiaDHRRA organized a virtual Regional Forum on “Rural Transformation: Harnessing Digital Agriculture towards Strengthening Small-farmers’ Resilience” on 9 August 2022. It was actively participated by 57 delegates from AsiaDHRRA partner Civil Society Organizations (CSO) and Rural Peoples’ Organizations (RPO) in Southeast Asian countries, including Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Myanmar, Philippines, Taiwan, Thailand, and Vietnam; and […]

AsiaDHRRA organizes Digital Village Initiative inception workshop

15 march 2022 via Zoom – The Asian Partnership for the Development of Human Resources in Rural Areas (AsiaDHRRA) organized the Digital Village Initiative (DVI) Output 2 Inception Workshop. The event was joined by 31 participants, with representation from management/operation of four (4) implementing country DHRRA partners, namely: Cambodia, Indonesia, Philippines, and Vietnam, six National […]

AsiaDHRRA, FAO discuss Digital Village Initiative tool

13 January  2022 – FAO meets AsiaDHRRA Digital Village Iniatiative (DVI) regional team with the external consultants/experts, and the DHRRA national facilitators from Yayasan Bina Desa, Cambo Dhrra, Phildhrra Natsec, and Việt DHRRA to discuss about the DVI Assessment online survey. The cooperation with FAO on “Rural Transformation and Digital Village Development in selected ASEAN […]

AsiaDHRRA orients the network on Digital Agriculture project

6 January 2022 – The first meeting of the network for the year 2022 is an orientation with the DHRRAs – Cambo Dhrra, Phildhrra Natsec, Việt DHRRA on the new project on Digital Agriculture. This cooperation of FAO and AsiaDHRRA aims to empower and enhance the capacity of farmer organizations, women and youth associations and […]

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