Bina Desa visits Asiadhrra

AsiaDHRRA welcomed Yuyu Rahayu, Lily Noviani, Nanang Hari, Yasfin, Dwi Astuti of Binadesa who just came from a 7-day exposure visit in organic and agrarian reform communities in Bacolod, Negros Occidental in the Philippines. The visit held from July 19-26, 2010 was supported by Misereor and was arranged by the Paghidaet Foundation, a Misereor partner. […]

DHRRA visits: Malaysia and Indonesia

Two members were visited within the first quarter of 2007 namely DHRRA Malaysia and InDHRRA. The main objective of the visit was, after the formal mandate from the assembly in 2006, to share the strategic plan to a broader stakeholder of each DHRRA (staff and Board) the AsiaDHRRA strategic plan and generate deeper understanding and […]

Bina Desa: Rebuilding the Village

Desperate fishermen, distraught farmers,… In the struck province of Aceh, there must have been several thousands. Millions of euros were collected and put at their disposal by governments to smooth out the consequences of the tsunami. However, the means are primarily allocated to repairing roads, bridges and government buildings. Naturally, this is not unjust. Vredeseilanden, […]

30 Years! For InDHRRA (Sekretariat Binadesa)

InDHRRA celebrated its 30th year anniversary in July 21-23, 2005. The anniversary was meaningfully as a community immersion activity in Lorejo Village, in Jogjakarta. True to the spirit of Musyawarah, series of dialogues took place focusing on the issues of agrarian reform, food security, women concerns, and other rural development issues, challenged by the anniversary […]