AsiaDHRRA continues support to FAKZ and FASAP

Xiengkhouang Province, Lao PDR – Last October 30, 2016, Mr. Florante Villas, AsiaDHRRA Program Manager, met with farmer leaders of Farmer Association of Khangvieng Zone (FAKZ) and Farmers Association for Sustainable Agricultural Production (FASAP) to discuss with their leaders about the progress of the projects that AsiaDHRRA has supported. FAKZ project will soon progress from […]

VNFU and Asiadhrra co-organize Advocacy Capacity Workshop for Vietnam Farmer’s Union staff

Link to VNFU News Page AsiaDHRRA is supporting VNFU’s project entitled “Building Policy Advocacy Capacity for Vietnam Farmer’s Union staffs” with financing from DGD Belgium through Agricord. The project aims to, among others, equip VNFU leaders and staff with some fundamental knowledge, skills and competence in policy advocacy. Last February 28 to March 1, VNFU […]

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