Designing a strategy addressing Gendered Environment, Social Inclusion, and Governance with Cacao Farmers

AsiaDHRRA’s Senior Program Manager, Mr. Florante Villas, in collaboration with PhilDHRRA Mindanao, organized the recent action planning workshop with FARDECO Multi-Purpose Cooperative in Cadalian, Baguio District, Davao, on 16-18 February 2023. The workshop was designed to craft a plan addressing AsiaDHRRA’s recommendations based on the results of an assessment of performance in a Gendered Environment, […]
AsiaDHRRA joined a capacity building training conducted by MEDA-Philippines

5 September 2022 – AsiaDHRRA and the Philippine Family Farmers’ Agriculture Fishery Forestry Cooperatives Federation (AgriCOOPh) participated in a capacity-building training on Environmental Social and Governance (G-ESG) conducted by the Mennonite Economic Development Associates (MEDA) Philippines. The learning has organized a hybrid online and in-person workshop by the Resilience and Inclusion through Investment for Sustainable […]
AsiaDHRRA and MEDA partnership supporting small-holder cacao farmers

5 September 2022 – The Asian Partnership for the Development of Human Resources in Rural Areas (AsiaDHRRA) and Mennonite Economic Development Associates (MEDA) – Philippines inked a partnership contract in support of the project “Resilience and Inclusion through Investment for Sustainable Agrikultura (RIISA).” The event was presided over by Ms. Catherine Sobrevega, Country Director of […]
AsiaDHRRA conducts advisory mission in Vietnam

31 August 2021–AsiaDHRRA organized a ten-day field mission visit to its farmers’ organization partners and convened meetings with its members in Vietnam. Secretary-General Ms. Marlene Ramirez, Finance Manager Ms. Lorna David, and Senior Program Managers Mr. Florante Villas and Mr. Cezar Belangel were accompanied by Ms. Nguyen Thi Viet Hà, Vice-Director of External Affairs & […]
AsiaDHRRA, CamboDHRRA and FNN conducts advisory mission in Cambodia

10 – 11 July 2022 – The Asian Partnership for the Development of Human Resources in Rural Areas (AsiaDHRRA), CamboDHRRA, and the Farmers and Nature Association Network (FNN) organized a series of meetings and visits to farmers’ cooperatives on 10-11 July 2022 as part of the implementation of Farmers for Asia (FO4A) program. Ms. Marlene […]
AsiaDHRRA’s bilateral meetings with the Farmers’ Organization

Bilateral meetings of the AsiaDHHRA finance team with the farmers’ organizations (FO) finance counterparts were conducted this March to thoroughly discuss the reporting templates and deadlines, required supporting documents, forms, and schedule of fund releases. The meetings were held as a follow-through of the previous meetings related to the project’s financial accountability and reporting requirements […]