The wonderful Polyface Farm

Ok this is not from Asia but this farm is amazing and we can get some ideas that can be applied to the asian farming context. Polyface Farms is a “grass-farming” operation in Swope, Virginia run by Mr. Joel Salatin and his family and a bunch of staff and interns. It has become the “mecca of sustainable agriculture” in the US for its various innovative farming methods as can be seen here. Apart from selling their produce, Polyface Farms offer apprenticeships, farm tours, trainings,

Read the feature article in The Atlantic here…
Visit their website here….

“On Polyface, it’s the pigs that best embody Salatin’s ideas of creative disturbance, as well as his holistic, waste-not-want-not management approach. As Salatin sees it, pigs have a plough at the end of their noses and a sign on their foreheads that reads “will work for corn”


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