The food processing industry and sustainable development

FarmFriday presents this interesting reading  about “how large food companies and multinationals, and a select group of supermarket chains have expanded enormously and have captured profit making opportunities in developing countries. Their influence is restructuring developing countries’ agricultural systems and processing industries in such a way that many poor and marginalised groups might remain excluded.”
This report analyses the contribution that primary and full processing of food can make to poverty reduction and sustainable development within the current international context. First, the report provides insights into the level of production, sales and international trade in processed food. Then, it discusses the structural, market, private and government obstacles to exports and the development of a domestic processed food industry in developing countries.
The report notes that an important current trend affecting the whole processed food sector is that prices for processed food companies, from the top global brands to small food manufacturers, are under serious pressure from supermarket strategies and supply requirements.
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