FOMCA on the price hike in Malaysia

Here’s a research paper – Social Impact of Rising Prices – Mitigating Measures for the Lower Income Group – shared by our good partners in Malaysia – ERA consumer. In brief, FOMCA examines and identifies the impacts of the rising prices of basic commodities in Malaysia and its impact to low income groups and proposes several measures to mitigate them;

FOMCA has been carrying out research and its own price surveillance in various cities and towns across the country and the finding indicate that the prices of daily products, mainly food items have been steadily increasing. Escalating oil prices has led to the price increase in almost all goods due to the increase in oil prices and toll hikes. FOMCA believes that there are also other dominating factors which play a significant role in the price hike of daily consumables.

Continue reading the Social Impact of Rising Prices – Mitigating Measures for the Lower Income Group…


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