AsiaDHRRA organizes MTCP 2’s learning exchange forum on seeds

8 December 2014, Quezon City, Philippines – AsiaDHRRA organized a forum, entitled: “Harvesting Experiences, Challenges and Opportunities on Seeds in Asia and the Pacific: A Learning Exchange Forum” on 5-7 December 2014 at Brentwood Suits, Quezon City, Philippines.   It was participated by FO representatives from South Asia, Southeast Asia, and Pacific Islands who belong to the MTCP2 cooperation among farmers’ organizations.
Relevant inputs were provided by resource persons from the ETC Asia, Terra Circle, East West Seeds, Action Aid International, MASIPAG, National Seeds Industry Council, FAO Philippines, and, SEARICE. The forum was culminated with a field visit at East West Seeds Company Farm Ready Facility and Daisy Duran Integrated Farm in Bulacan; and, at the National Rice Seed Bank of MASIPAG in Nueva Ecija.
The forum, which aimed to increase knowledge and awareness of farmers from Asia and the Pacific on best practices in seeds production, conservation, distribution, and, marketing, was part of the implementation of the 2nd Phase of Medium Term Cooperation Programme with Farmers’ Organizations in Asia and the Pacific (MTCP2).
With support from the IFAD and the Swiss Development Cooperation, the MTCP 2 aims to contribute to the poverty alleviation in Asia and the Pacific Region through strengthened capacities of the rural poor and their organizations that leads to improved livelihoods and positive socio-economic impacts in the rural development.


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