40-kg technology for enough, healthy seedlings

For FarmFriday we have this fine tip from PhilRice about planting healthy seedlings..
Sowing the right amount of seeds results in strong and healthy seedlings. Hence, rice experts recommend the use of 40 kg certified seeds of an inbred variety or 20 kg hybrid for one hectare.
This 40-kg technology disproves the common belief that more seeds planted per hectare ensure enough and healthy seedlings.
According to experts, 1 kg of palay seeds is equivalent to approximately 40,000 seeds, thus, for 40 kg seeds, there are approximately 1,600,000 seeds. If two seedlings (20 to 25-day old) per hill are transplanted at a distance of 20cm x 20cm, a hectare would require some 500,000 seedlings.
continue reading about how to use the 40-kg technology for enough, healthy seedlings….


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