REDD: A Threat to Our Rural Sustainable Development

By Ms. Tina Napitupulu
Binadesa (or InDHRRA)
Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and DegradationReducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation or REDD is the hot topic in climate change talks. It was first introduced in 2005 and is believed to have a significant role in slowing the global warming process and will be benefiting all parties, developed as well as developing countries. Too bad, in scrutinizing the concept we can see that the concept is flawed. REDD is not a proper way in dealing with climate change because it tends to harm rural livelihoods.
The basic idea of REDD is that developing countries will earn money from developed countries from protecting their forest. Developing countries could mean the national or local government, individual, community or corporate which reside in developing countries, vice versa, developed countries could be mean entities which reside in developed countries . For every ton of carbon each entity in developing countries could hold on ground, they will receive a certain amount of money from their counterparts in developed countries.
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