Sustainable livelihoods and pro-poor market development

MarketSunday shares this bit from Eldis.
What can sustainable livelihoods approaches and pro-poor market approaches learn from each other?

Similarities and complementarities between SL and PPM include:

  • They are both multidisciplinary, in that they draw on political economy, social analysis and economics to generate insights into the way these influences affect the livelihood processes and outcomes.
  • An emphasis on sustainability is critical for both approaches, although pro-poor market approaches prioritise the economic and financial aspects more than the environmental and social.
  • Both approaches refer to institutions, in themselves complex. The greater focus on understanding market institutions of PPM approaches, has unpacked the ‘policies institutions and processes’ box contained in the SL framework that often went unexamined.

Differences between them include issues of scale and empowerment: PPMs are seeking to realise impact at a scale that SL approaches have failed to achieve. They seek to influence whole market systems to ensure benefits for poor people.
Specific interventions are needed to build people’s confidence and self-esteem and encourage them to engage in market-based livelihood activities. Social differences clearly create barriers: better understanding is needed of how systems of exclusion operate and how pro-poor market approaches can overcome them.
download the full text here…


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