Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia – Marlene Ramirez, Secretary General of AsiaDHRRA, discussed the importance and role of Farmers’ Organizations (FOs) during the session on Engaging Farmers’ Organizations at the 2016 Grow Asia Forum. The session focused on developing the Grow Asia Partnership stakeholders’ understanding of FOs and how they can be engaged to build scalable models for inclusive value chains. A draft Primer of the research commissioned by Grow Asia was presented for discussion, which would eventually be shared to private companies to serve as guidepost in improving relationship and interactions with farmers’ organizations.
The 2016 Grow Asia Forum, hosted by the Grow Asia Partnership and the World Economic Forum, is a high-level gathering of more than 150 senior leaders from ASEAN governments, global and regional private sector, international civil society and farmers’ organizations, and other institutions.
The forum aimed at “highlighting the opportunities for greater investment in engaging smallholder farmers in value chain projects, supporting innovation, financing farmers, and the use of digital platforms to scale solutions.” It was held at the Ritz-Carlton, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, on Tuesday 31 May 2016.
AsiaDHRRA was joined by Kees Bloekland, Executive Director of Agriterra, representing AgriCord in the event. Likewise, an AFA delegation of member FOs from the Philippines and Cambodia, led by Esther Penunia, Secretary General of AFA, gave strong contribution from the smallholder farmers and producer groups. AFA sits in the Grow Asia Steering Committee representing farmers.
AsiaDHRRA is a member of Grow Asia Civil Society Governance Council.

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