AsiaDHHRA’s Annual Report to the Chairperson


18 April 2022 via Zoom – The Asian Partnership for the Development of Human Resources in Rural Areas (AsiaDHHRA) Secretariat conducted its annual dialogue and reporting to the Chairperson, Dr. Nguyen Xuan Hong, highlighting an assessment of challenges, learnings, and milestones for the year 2021.  The Plan for 2022 and target milestones were also discussed and affirmed, with important suggestions from the Chairperson.

Dr. Hong appreciated the reports presented by the Secretariat and expressed his support to all staff who works hard and innovatively. However, he mentioned that challenges would remain as COVID-19 continues to affect the economy and the effects of the current war in Europe; hence, there is a need to be ready to face new challenges. Nevertheless, he is an optimist to see the recent projects started and the robust plan presented, and suggested giving attention to DHRRAs and discussing the 2022 report plans.

He indicated that DHRRAs have to be accompanied because they have different capacities to recover back to normal operations. Additionally, he appreciates the planned bilateral and sub-regional dialogues, the increase use of social media platforms, and mainstream chat applications like Whatsapp or Viber. He also specified a need to focus intensively on the preparations for the upcoming General Assembly. Furthermore, he extended his thanks for the hard work and contribution made by AsiaDHRRA secretariat and members to strengthen the network.


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