AsiaDHRRA co-sponsors human rights forum

Human Rights Forum 2008AsiaDHRRA together with ESCR-Asia, CODE-NGO and the U.P. Asian Center, sponsored the forum “Kasali Ka, Kasama Ka:  Discerning Relevant Applications of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and Prospects of Ratification of the Optional Protocol in the Philippines and in Select Countries in Asia” on Dec.9, 2008, 8:30-12 noon, at Romulo Hall, U.P.  Asian Center (beside the College of Law).
Leaders from fisherfolk groups, agrarian reform, indigenous peoples, street vendors including representatives from regional formations and government agencies shared their thoughts on the Covenant and on the relevance of the Optional Protocol adopted by the UN Human Rights Council last July 2008.
This activity  is also in celebration of the 60th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR),  the 32nd year of the Philippine government’s ratification of said Covenant and the Social Development Week 2008.
Copies of the executive summary of the shadow report “ 42, 32, 2008” submitted to the 41st Session of the UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights last Nov.10, 2008 were also distributed during the forum.
View the forum program here…
View pictures from the forum here…


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