Regional Cooperation to Empower Rural Development Organizations in Asia (ReCOERDO)

Program Info

The ReCoERDO-Asia is a program under the framework partnership agreement (FPA) with the European Union. It seeks to develop the capacities of Rural Peoples Organizations (RPOs) and Rural Development non-governmental organizations (NGOs), through the empowerment and unleashing of human resource potentials of local people; and, to promote a stronger participation in policy-making processes through effective lobby and engagement with policy makers and the donor community at national, regional, and global levels.

ReCoERDO-Asia generally aims to contribute to the improvement of socio-economic well-being of members of rural peoples’ organizations (RPOs) in Southeast Asia by strengthening the capacity of civil society organizations (CSOs) to deliver services to RPOs. Specifically, it is set to:

  1. (a) deliver effective services to rural peoples’ organizations;
  2. (b) effectively engage national, regional and global platforms and processes for rural development and poverty eradication; and
  3. (c) empower RPOs by building their capacity to effectively engage public and private programs relating to agricultural production and marketing, and, social enterprise by strengthening CSO-RPO platforms. The program is being implemented in Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, Laos, Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam, under the four (4) components: (1) Capacity building of rural development NGOs; (2) Regional CSO movement and policy advocacy; (3) Strengthening services to RPOs; and, (4) Project management and implementation.

Areas Implemented:



Highlights of the the 4 Year Implementation of the ReCoERDO Program (Click to view)

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