Farmers’ Organization for Asia (FO4A)
Program Info
Farmers’ Organization for Asia (FO4A) is a capacity-building program aiming to increase income and improve livelihood, food and nutrition security, and safety of family farming through greater integration of family farms in key agricultural value chains. It is a follow-up program of the previous cooperation with the EU and IFAD on the program Asian Farmers Organizations Support Program (AFOSP – Farmers Fighting Poverty in the ASEAN Region (FFP-ASEAN). In addition, the project has complementation with AsiaDHRRA’s current initiatives with FAO and ASEAN on Responsible Agricultural Investment (RAI), Territorial Rural Development (TRD), Digital Village Initiative (DVI), and Agroecology.
The overall objective of the action is to increase income and to improve livelihood, food and nutrition security and safety of the Asia family farming in the target areas of the project.
The specific objectives are: FOs and farmer-led enterprises improve technical and economic services along the value chains; FOs influence policies and business environments for the transformation of family farming and the development of sustainable, adaptive economic initiatives and farmer-led enterprises; FOs are accountable organizations able to effectively perform their institutional functions.
Areas Implemented:
The program is implemented in Cambodia, Indonesia, Philippines and Vietnam
1. Farmer and Nature Net Association (FNN)
2) Ngudi Mulyo
3) Komunitas Swabina Pedesaan Salassae (KSPS)
4) Aliansi Petani Indonesia (API)
5) Coalition of Municipal Fishers Associations of Zamboanga Sibugay (COMFAS)
6) Matulatula Agrarian Reform Community Cooperative (MARCCO)
7) Islands of Samar & Leyte Agriculture Cooperative (ISLACO)
8) Philippine Family Farmers’ Agriculture Fishery Forestry Cooperatives Federation (AgriCOOPh)
9) An Giang Farmers Union (AGFU)
10) Viet Nam Farmers Union (VNFU)
11) Phuc Thanh Beekeeping Cooperative (PTBC)
The program is in coordination with Agricord and funded by EU and IFAD

Calibrating results, recognizing achievements, and re/shaping regional strategic plans
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Updating and revisiting the monitoring and evaluation tools for Farmers’ Organization for Asia programme
An in-person workshop for the Farmers’ Organization for Asia (FO4A) programme was organized on 26-28 June 2024 and participated by the International Fund for Agricultural

One Commune One Product Certification to farmers’ organisation partner in Vietnam
AsiaDHRRA’s Senior Program Manager, Mr. Cezar Belangel, met the key leaders of Phuc Thanh Beekeepers Cooperative (PTBC), a farmers’ organisation (FO) located in a small

A visit to monitor development progress and accomplishment with COMFAS
AsiaDHRRA’s Senior Program Manager, Mr. Cezar Belangel, visited The Coalition of Municipal Fisherfolk Associations (COMFAS) at Zamboanga Sibugay on 13-17 November 2023 as part of

A series of meetings updating FO4A project with partner DHRRA and member Farmers’ Organizations in Indonesia
AsiaDHRRA organized a series of meetings with its DHRRA partner, Yayasan Bina Desa, and Farmers’ Organization (FO) members in Indonesia on 6-13 November 2023. The

IFAD’s SIS mission with fisherfolks in Zamboanga Sibugay
The International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) conducted a Supervision and Implementation System (SIS) Mission on 20-21 May, 2023, with the Coalition of Municipal Fisherfolks
MarCCO: Stories of Change
Farmers’ Organization Story: Christie Marasigan “Harvesting the fruit of partnership to serve” – The program AFOSP and FO4A has opened the door for everyone to
COMFAS: Impact Story
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