Farmers Fighting Poverty

Program Info

The Farmers Fighting Poverty provides funding and advisory services to farmers’ organizations (FOs) in developing countries to contribute in poverty reduction. It works in four different areas, specifically,

  1. Organizational Strength and Development;
  2. Institutional Development;
  3. Farmer-led Economic Development; and,
  4. Policy Elaboration and Advocacy.


Generally, FFP aims to strengthen FOs to contribute to:

  1. More Democracy (better institutions);
  2. Sustainable Economic Growth (better services to members);
  3. Increased Distribution of Income (better involvement of smallholder farmers).

Specifically, AsiaDHRRA

  1. Provides training on leadership development, like communications kills, planning, monitoring, organizational and financial management, etc.
  2. Delivers agricultural trainings and extension services on participatory resource appraisal and action research, farm planning and designing, and developing agricultural technicians.

Areas Implemented:

The projects are directly implemented by farmers’ organizations in Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Myanmar, Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam.

