Program Info

Child Labour and Migration (CLM)

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (UNFAO) and AsiaDHRRA signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) in 2020 to provide a framework to strengthen the capacities of rural organizations in the countries. The goal is to improve organizational development, service delivery, market access, gender equality, and lobbying for policy change in the Asia-Pacific region.

Under the Letter of Agreement (LoA) between the FAO and AsiaDHRRA, a regional study on “Child Labour in Fisheries and Aquaculture Value Chains in Asia and its linkages to migration” was conducted in 2020, which investigated the prevalence, causes, and consequences of child labour in selected fisheries and aquaculture value chains in Asia, particularly in Indonesia, the Philippines, and Thailand. In addition, the study sought the inter-linkages between child labour and migration in selected communities and value chains; thus, the result contributes to the countries in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Target 8.7 (child labour and forced labour), Target 10.7 (safe, regular and orderly migration) and Target 14.b.1 (access to markets and resources for small-scale fishers). Furthermore, the study and its recommendations support the work with the ASEAN SOMRDPE on integrating child labor issues into their agenda and the Roadmap for the Elimination of the Worst Forms of Child Labour in the region.

Child Labor and Youth in Agriculture (CYLA)

The project “Youth capacity development towards decent employment opportunity for sustainable agriculture“ is AsiaDHRRA’s project in partnership with PhilDHRRA which aims to: (a) protect young youth aged 15-17 from child labour risk and improving their employability through improved access to relevant educational and training opportunities, (b) enhance mobilization of existing multi-stakeholder platform towards improving advocacy on child labor elimination in target municipalities; and (c) strengthen capacity of government at the country through generating evidence and contributing on trainings.

RISE-UP (Resilience, Inclusion, Sustainability, Empowerment, Unity, Progress)

RISE-UP (Resilience, Inclusion, Sustainability, Empowerment, Unity, Progress) Project is AsiaDHRRA’s EU-funded initiative on “Harnessing CSO Capacities for Eliminating Child Labour (ECL) Action through Multistakeholder Partnerships and Agri-entrepreneurship” which contributes to the effective elimination of child labour in the agriculture sector through strong rural people’s organizations (young-youth, farmers, rural women). Targeted in the provinces of Bukidnon, Davao del Norte, and Maguindanao del Norte provinces, it works toward synergizing functional multistakeholder mechanisms and viable agri-enterprises where young rural youth organizations are engaged and benefit from increased family income and local organizations.

The RISE-UP Project provides comprehensive support to local organizations, enhancing their understanding of ECL, facilitating policy consultations, guiding program implementation, and enabling proactive monitoring. Moreover, it establishes small grant facilities for child protection, decent work, economic services, and livelihood projects, thereby contributing to the achievement of Sustainable Development Goal 8 – Decent Work and Economic Growth.

Areas Implemented

CYLA: Municipalities of Infanta, Panukulan and Real, Quezon, Philippines

Farmers Organizations:

  1. a) Barangays of San Jose and Kalagangan (San Fernando, Bukidnon)
  2. b) Barangays of Kuya and Romonggaob (South Upi, Maguindanao del Sur)
  3. c) Barangays of Capungagan, Gabuyan, Katipunan, Mabantao, Maniki, and Semong (Kapalong) and Barangays New Loon, Pamacaun, and Cambanogoy (Asuncion), Davao del Norte


CYLA: Local government Units (LGU) from municipalities of Infanta, Panukulan and Real, Quezon, Philippines
RISE-UP: Kaanib Foundation Inc., Community Organizers Multiversity – CO Multiversity, and PhilDHRRA


CLM/CYLA: Child Labor and Migration (CLM) and Child Labor and Youth in Agriculture (CYLA) studies funded by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

RISE-UP: Project funded by the European Union