Program Info
ACRE Project “Strengthening the Agency of CSOs in Developing Policy Framework for Equitable Rural Development and an Enhanced Contribution of Family Farmers Towards the Achievement of the SDGs (ACRE)” promotes rural development and agricultural policies to achieve economic growth and sustainable food systems that benefit the planet and the people, mainly the marginalized, and uphold gender inequality. The project will enhance the capacities of regional members of the World Rural Forum (WRF) to effectively lead regional policy relating to the UN Decade of Family Farming (UNDFF) 2019-2028, food systems, climate change, biodiversity, EU development policies, and the 2030 Global Agenda 2030, with a special focus on family farming organizations, women, and youth.
Areas Implemented:
The project is supported by the World Rural Forum (WRF) and the European Union.

AsiaDHRRA’s Musyawarah visit with DHRRA Malaysia
AsiaDHRRA’s Secretary-General, Ms. Marlene Ramirez, HR-OD consultant, Ms. Arlynn Contreras, and Program Manager, Mr. Affan Firmansyah, conducted a Musyawarah visit with its partner DHRRA in

Round-table discussion to facilitate co-creation of knowledge on Agroecology
AsiaDHRRA and the Southeast Asia Regional Initiatives for Community Empowerment (SEARICE) jointly organized an online discussion on “Facilitating Co-creation of Knowledge on Agroecology” on 25

Project ACRE launched
AsiaDHRRA launched its recent initiative on “Strengthening the Agency of CSOs in Developing Policy Framework for Equitable Rural Development and an Enhanced Contribution of Family

Regional Workshop in Promoting Agroecology and Territorial Rural Development
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Partnerships advocating and documenting successful family farming programs in select ASEAN countries
AsiaDHRRA is conducting a series of round table consultations with its partner DHRRAs and farmer organizations in the network to assess the status of United

Round Table Consultation on the UN Decade of Family Farming (UNDFF), Cambodia
AsiaDHRRA and the Cambodian Partnership for the Development of Human Resources in Rural Areas (CamboDHRRA) jointly organized a round table discussion on the United Nations