Initiatives on Linking Small Farmers to the Market
Lany V. Rebagay, AsiaDHRRA program officer presented a paper on “Empowering and Engaging Rural People with the Market” in a seminar workshop sponsored by FAO
Lany V. Rebagay, AsiaDHRRA program officer presented a paper on “Empowering and Engaging Rural People with the Market” in a seminar workshop sponsored by FAO
The following is the Declaration adopted during the INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR ON WTO, FOOD SOVEREIGNTY AND ALTERNATIVES TO GLOBALIZATION organized by Asia Pacific Network for Food
AFA represented by Tri Heru Wardoyo, Esther Penunia and AsiaDHRRA represented by Marlene Ramirez participated in the recently concluded First Farmers’ Forum in conjunction with
AsiaDHRRA visited the Lao Community Development Association (LCDA) last February 10-11, 2006. A dialogue with the leaders of LCDA and an exchange on the situation
The 3rd Asian NGO Leaders’ Dialogue (ALD3) was held last February 6-10, 2006 in Siem Reap, Cambodia. It was participated by key NGO leaders from
The AsiaDHRRA ExeCom met on February 5, 2005 in Siem Reap, Cambodia to discuss the highlights of the 2005 Evaluation and 2006 Planning conducted in
After the postponement of the original schedule last February, the AFA Strategic Planning and Second General Assembly will finally push through on April 6-12, 2006
The SEACA Board Meeting will be held in Manila on March 28-29 at the Innotech Center, SEAMEO, Quezon City. It will be attended by 16
AsiaDHRRA, together with 30 participants from Asia-based regional organizations held the SAPA (Asian Consultation on Strategic Action Planning on Advocacy at International Meetings 2006) last
Today, March 8, International Womens’ Day, we celebrate women’s power to make our world a better place to live in – as daughters, sisters, mothers,
AsiaDHRRA’s Leadership Program has recently published a book on Asian NGO Leadership. The book entitled “Tapestry of Asian NGO Leadership: Stories, Trends, Patterns” presents a
Mr. Ismail Abd Aziz, of DHRRA Network Malaysia began his 3 month re-orientation and skills enhancement internship at the AsiaDHRRA secretariat office in Manila, Philippines.
The Asian Partnership for the Development of Human Resources in Rural Asia (AsiaDHRRA)
is a regional partnership of eleven social development networks and organisations in eleven Asian nations that envisions Asian rural communities that are just, free, prosperous, living in peace and working in solidarity towards self-reliance. Tracing its history from the founding workshop on the development of human resources in rural areas in 1974 in Swanganiwas, Thailand, the DHRRA network’s mission is to be an effective promoter and catalyst of partnership relations, facilitator of human resource development processes in the rural areas and mobilizer of expertise and opportunities for the strengthening of solidarity and kinship among Asian rural communities.
It is dedicated to the empowerment of farmers in the Asian region.
Room 201 Partnership Center
59 C. Salvador St., Loyola Heights 1108,
Quezon City, Philippines
Telefax (637) 341-2442
Asiadhrra is:
– An affiliate of ASEAN
– An NGO in Special Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations (ECOSOC)
– A member of AgriCord
– Member of World Rural Forum