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WHY Advocacy Toolkit

ToolkitSundays shares this useful Advocacy Toolkit from Why.  The toolkit draws from the american experience but us Asians might pick up a nugget or two

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All is well in Marinaleda, Spain

FarmFriday brings this interesting and inspiring article from the NYTimes about a socialist town in Spain that’s been doing really well despite the economic challenges

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Here comes the miniature cows

HungerWednesday brings this rather bewildering agri trend in the US -farmers switching to miniature cows as ontesibly they are cheaper to raise than the fullsize

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Glyphosate-resisting frankenweeds again

FrankenThursday presents another disturbing news about the continued proliferation of frankenweeds. Susan Mann | Essex County soybean grower Leo Guilbeault isn’t surprised University of

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