Are cellphones the new hope for small farmers?

mobile phones for farmersI was reading Shareideas when i came across these interesting article about the effects (both real and possible)  of the mobile revolution in developing countries. Can the cell phone become an very invaluable tool for small farmers?
In a BBC News article, “The Invisible Computer Revolution” (which is a very interesting read btw) Dr. Joel Selanikio, a physician and co-founder of the nonprofit DataDyne, offers his perspectives on the mobile revolution:
“It’s time that we recognised that for the majority of the world’s population, and for the foreseeable future, the cell phone is the computer, and it will be the portal to the internet, and the communications tool, and the schoolbook… and many other things, just as soon as someone, somewhere, sits down and writes the software that allows these functions to be performed”
Click here to read a cool case study on using the mobile phone to conduct a health survey.
There are also some videos at fillthegap showcasing mobile solutions that were developed to address local needs
Visit also this cool website where african small farmers share price and market info to better sell their produce


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