UNESCO's Virtual Laboratory Toolkit Released

For TechTuesday we found this interesting tidbit. haven’t gotten around to testing them out yet though.

The first edition of the UNESCO “Virtual Laboratory Toolkit” has just been released on the World Wide Web and within UNESCO’s Public@ series of representative “open access” CD-ROMs that are giving access to information in the public domain or to information provided on a benevolent basis by rights holders.
The Toolkit provides an extensive set of free person-to-person (P2P) communication tools (audio and video conference, scientific text chat, whiteboard, collaborative authorship, portal and mailing list management, etc.), and also basic advice on person-to-equipment (P2E) tools.
It was developed for UNESCO by a team of specialists working with the Institute for Informatics of the Technical University of Freiberg (Technical Coordinator, Germany), the COPINE Centre of the Obafemi Awolowo University (Ile Ife, Nigeria) and the Shanghai Research Centre for Applied Physics (China).
more here…..

Checkout the UNESCO “Virtual Laboratory Toolkit” here…


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