GM Mosquito out and about now

Some rights reserved by OZinOHFrankenThursday’s where it gets a bit freaky.  I’m not sure though if i like self-terminating mosquitoes. Surely some even more freaky mosquitoes would evolve from this. Anyways just tellin’ you all that frankenmosquitoes are available now. to. bite. you. Seriously though, why didn’t they just make those mosquitoes averse to human blood or to humans?
Quick facts: The GMMosquitoes were genetically engineered to kill off  Aedes aegypti mosquitoes which spread dengue fever. The Bill & Melissa Gates Foundation is funding this project and Malaysia is set to undergo field trials of these frankencritters this year.
read more about the GMO mosquitos at the ScienceMag….
more info here about the GMMosquito project


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