Philippines' Rice sufficiency officers undergo re-tooling workshop

HungerWednesday brings this interesting tidbit- Philippines actually have “Rice Sufficiency Officers”. Pretty interesting right? and they’re undergoing a retooling workshop. They must need this as they have a kinda daunting task ahead of them — ensuring a rice-sufficient Philippines by 2013.

Close to 100 rice sufficiency officers (RSOs) and PhilRice officials nationwide gathered for the re-tooling workshop as part of DA- PhilRice’ Strategic Support Services for Rice Self-Sufficiency (S5), May 13-16.
S5 is DA-PhilRice’ program in support of the government’s Rice Self-Sufficiency Plan (RSSP).
The Rice Self-Sufficiency Plan envisions a 100% self-sufficiency in rice by 2013. It aims to increase palay production from 16.2 million metric tons (MMT) in 2007 to 21.6 MMT in 2013 to ensure the availability of rice for 100 million Filipinos. Moreover, it aims to raise income from rice farming and reduce the Philippines’ rice importation.

Continue reading about how DA-PhilRice is beefing up for rice self-sufficiency…


One Response

  1. Thank you very much for entertaining my curiousity on the japonica rice. I wish i can get this variety for our tenants in Bicol. I have a an area extremely favorable for this particular project, a 6.7 has. Pls let me know. Thanks. More Power.
    Cel. nos. 0917-395-0412 / 0922-291-4979

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