Glyphosate-resisting frankenweeds again

FrankenThursday presents another disturbing news about the continued proliferation of frankenweeds.
Susan Mann |

Essex County soybean grower Leo Guilbeault isn’t surprised University of Guelph researchers found a type of giant ragweed that’s showing resistance to the popular herbicide glyphosate. He’s always found giant ragweed tough to kill. “I know even the normal rate of Roundup traditionally hasn’t taken it down 100 per cent,” says Guilbeault, chair of the Ontario Soybean Growers. The key is to catch the plants when they’re young, as seedlings, Guilbeault explains.
Trying to kill a mature giant ragweed that can grow to eight feet tall is almost impossible. “It’s like trying to kill a tree.” But anytime a weed develops a resistance to glyphosate it sends off red flags for farmers, he adds.

Continue reading about the glyphosate-resisting giant ragweeds in Essex….


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