Food Crisis In Southeast Asia: The Political-Economic Impact of the Rise of Commodity Prices

HungerWednesday highlights this paper on the food crisis presented by AsiaDHRRA Chairperson Datuk Marimuthu Nadason during the Forum on Regional Strategic and Political Developments held in Singapore recently.

The devastating presence of food crisis in this millennium has undoubtedly shocked all walks of life, from policy-makers to housewives in all areas of the globe. Unexpectedly, an unimaginable catastrophic chain of complex elements have propelled millions of people into hunger and malnourishment. Despite all the advancement in technology in food production, increase affluence in many nations worldwide and increase trade facilitation to ease exchange of products
among countries through the World Trade Organization manifesto, food inflation has rattled
every nation.

continue reading the The Political-Economic Impact of the Rise of Commodity Prices…


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