The Maligaya Flatbed Dryer

maligaya dryerFrom time to time, we’ll feature interesting inventions and equipments designed with the small farmer in mind. Today we present the Maligaya Flatbed dryer we found at the Open Academy for Philippine Agriculture website. Among the interesting features of this Philippine-developed machine are;

  • Multi-crop capability for other grains like corn, coffee,legumes, and other crops (banana and cassava chips) aside from palay
  • Uses farm byproducts like rice hull, corn cobs, or coffee hulls as fuel for heating drying air
  • Allows income generation from custom drying operations

Visit the openacademy for more tips and techniques on rice and vegetable production
Here’s the specifications of the maligaya flatbed dryer


8 Responses

  1. The drying rate for cassava could be enhance (both for solar or mechanized dryer)if we could develop a cassava slicer, at the very least, capable of slicing a cassava raw tuber into 10×10 centimeter cube (uniformly). Or the size of a pine apple chunk. And a rate 5 to 10 tons per hour. Our company would be interested in collaborating with any individual or a corporation in developing such machine. Please send your comments and suggestion to Mr. Arlan Arevalo, Kaunlaran Cereals & Allied Products, Malvar Santiago City, Cel. # 09173904130,

  2. its with relieve to notice yr esteem organization is peoviding your rural farmers with the fatbed dryer.Am so interested to know more about this simple dryer so we could buy over the patent or order some units for trial purposes to assist our local farmer.Thks & rgs

  3. im interested to buy one of ur flatbed drier from panay island u can contact me at 09178484272 thank u

  4. Sir/Madam, May you help our community in Minallo, Naguilian, Isabela to acquire Maligaya Flatbed Dryer which we can also share with our neighboring barangays. Thank You very much for your assistance.

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