Setting up your own personal Telco

DIY GSM network

So you live in a fairly remote farming area where the good graces of the telco seldom if ever makes it presence known. What to do? well, TechTuesday says set up your own telco! MobileActive will show you how:

The Village Base Station is built around voice and low-bandwidth data transmissions. It is an economical solution for rural residents who are outside of typical network coverage or power access, or for people living in situations where network outages occur. In a white paper presenting the VBTS, Heimerl and co-author Eric Brewer describe the project as, “essentially an outdoor PC with a software-defined radio that implements a low-power low-capacity GSM base station. Long-distance WiFi provides ‘backhaul’ into the carrier.” Below are images of elements of the Village Base Station and screenshots from our ‘hackday’ in a large American city when we demo’ed VBTS with Heimerl. (Warning: If you try this at home, be aware of your local regulator’s potential licensing and other restrictions for setting up such network/connecting to it)

continue reading building your own GSM network….


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