FrontlineSMS: sms power for NGOs

FrontlineSMSFor today’s TechTuesday, I present you the impressive application called FrontlineSMS developed by the techies at Btw, did i tell that its FREE! i’m downloading it now and gonna test it soon.

FrontlineSMS is the first text messaging system to be conceived, designed and written firmly with the needs of the non-profit sector in mind. Until now, the majority of systems have not taken into account the nature of non-profit work, and the specific conditions (financial and physical) which many work under.
FrontlineSMS has been successfully deployed in over forty countries in many areas by grassroots NGOs including the Nigerian and Philippine elections, in the sending of security alerts to fieldworkers in Afghanistan, market prices to smallholder farmers in Aceh, and to circumvent government restrictions in countries including Zimbabwe and Pakistan.
What can FrontlineSMS do for you?
Are you a locally- or internationally-based NGO looking at the potential to use mobile phone text messages to reach specific groups of individuals within a target community? Or to run an awareness raising campaign? Or to run a competition, or carry out a text-based survey? Or to simply keep in touch with your fieldworkers?
Do you want to provide text-based information services such as bus times, prices, goods availability etc?
If you have already identified applications for text messaging within your non-profit organisation and are looking for a simple, comprehensive, affordable and complete entry-level system then you’re in the right place. If you think text messaging could work for you but don’t know where to start, and are looking to try a service without having to dig too deep into your pockets, then you’re also in the right place.
The FrontlineSMS software is provided free to charities and other non-profit organisations. The software can be downloaded here but requires activation before messages can be sent or received. Details on how to obtain activation codes are provided.

read the complete info about it here….


2 Responses

  1. Hi, Jet — you might also want to check out some of the other tools that allow you to run an SMS campaign from your computer:
    We have released the first-ever comparison of do-it-yourself SMS campaign tools, designed especially for NGOs. The Guide helps NGOs get started in setting up a SMS campaign and includes a comparison of different SMS campaign software. More is at
    Have fun testing!

  2. hi katrin,
    thanks for the heads up! am very excited to test this software in oneof our projects!
    keep up the great work!

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