PhilRice Farm Machines: MicroTiller

By popular demand we will be posting again farm machines developed by government and research institutions in Southeast Asia. Again here’s PhilRice with their microtiller which is just perfect for small family farms and those starting out on mechanizing their rice farms.  Am not sure if this machine is the one designed also for use in rice terraces nor if this was invented by fab Filipino scientist inventor -Dr. Leocadio S. Sebastian.  Would appreciated anybody who can share more info on this machine.  Maybe somebody can convert this to run on solar cell-charged  industrial/auto batteries then it would be even more awesome.
Quick info:
# Portable. Lightweight and can be easily dismantled to facilitate transport in steep terrain
# Simple design. Utilizes parts that could be easily bought in local stores
# Efficient. Works well even in fields with knee-deep hard pans and long stubbles
# Fast. Works at least 24 times faster than the traditional method of foot trampling
Read the detailed machine specifications  here…


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