PhilRice debuts precision seeder

precisionseederWe like farm equipments especially local inventions so for FarmFriday we showcase this updated version of the seeder produced by PhilRice. If you would like to know more or are interested in buying this machine please contact 0920-911-1398.

Even with low-cost drum and precision seeders around capable of seeding rice seeds in rows at 20 kg/ha, breeding institutions and seed growers are in continuous search for a machine that not only transplants seedlings in straight rows to avoid off-types, identifies or removes volunteer seeds during vegetative growth, but also prevents seed damage.

more information about the precision rice seeder here…


11 Responses

  1. Congratulstion to the people behind this new farm implement which could greatly help farmers.
    I am interested buying one rice seeder, whats the price and where can I purchase.
    Thanks and regards.
    Ernesto from Abu Dhabi

  2. hi…i am from darfu10, we have seen the picture of your drum seeder and as part of our project in GMA Rice program, we would like to ask for the specs of the seeder as well as the specs of trans-planter as soon as it is completed or available for sale. kindly email us to this email add
    thank you very much
    GMA RICE Program

  3. i am interested in this product can you send me some video clips of PhilRice debuts precision seeder to know about product

    1. i am interested in your product pls. can you send me a video clips and address where to buy the machine. my rice field is in the 5th distirct province of iloilo. thanks!

  4. i am more intested if you have rice drum seeder. pls send me the price and mode of payment. thanks

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