Farmbots to the farms!

Wired: These May Be The Droids Farmers Are Looking For
Robots for TechTuesday! Bots in the farms is pretty interesting in itself coz, well, they’re robots. Apparently commercial farmers are enamored with robots because they help address the farmers’ perennial problem of labor costs and labor availability. But you have to wonder though the sense of this as world population continues to increase which means an increase also in human labor pool- do we really need robots to work the farms when there’s so much human labor available?

When it comes to farm robots, fruit gets all the attention. But it looks like trees and shrubs could win the prize for first significant agricultural market for small mobile robots.
Massachusetts startup Harvest Automation is beta testing a small mobile robot that it’s pitching to nurseries as the solution to their most pressing problem: a volatile labor market.

Continue reading the farmbots increasing presence in agriculture in Wired Mag…


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