Asiadhrra welcomes New FAO Chief

José Graziano da Silva, FAO director-general-electAsiadhrra warmly welcomes the recent election of José Graziano da Silva from Brazil as the new director general of FAO.
“He received a total of 92 votes out of 180 votes cast, winning over former Spanish Foreign Minister Miguel Ángel Moratinos Cuyaubé, who received 88 votes. There were no abstentions.
The election took place on the second day of the biennial 191 member nation Conference of FAO, which also will vote on the Organization’s budget for 2012-2013.” (FAO Media)
With his past experiences in addressing hunger concerns in his native Brazil, being a key player in Brazil’s successful Zero Hunger initiative and his “pledge to focus on reforming the agency, strive for consensus in decision-making and tackle food price volatility”, FAO it seems will be more energized to tackle worldwide hunger and poverty.
Related News:
Dr. José Graziano da Silva’s Statement to FAO Council
Civil Society Welcomes New FAO Chief
Graziano’s five major challenges


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