IYFF Campaign Updates 2011

The IYFF campaign continues to ramp up with more and more organizations and states signing up and  pledging support.  Join us in this campaign to make Family Farming an important focus worldwide and a viable alternative to corporate farms. Here are the latest updates sent by Mr. Jose Osaba of the WRF.
315 farmers and rural organisations  from 60 countries covering the 5 continents have given their official support to the WRF Campaign in favour of the IYFF. See up-dated list in the WRF website: www.familyfarmingcampaign.net
WRF- who has met several times, in 2009-2010, the FAO staff in relation with our IYFF Campaign- has received, on 11th January 2011, an official letter from the FAO Director General, Mr. Jacques Diouf, granting WRF a liaison status. Taking into account the linkage between WRF and the coordination of the IYFF Campaign, it is a very positive tool to carry out our common goal with more international recognition.
In the coming days will be published the booklets related to the Africa and America continental meetings. They will be available also in the IYFF web.
Once the continental meetings have ended, the first World Consultative Committee-WCC of the IYFF Campaign will be organised with two representatives –our suggestion: to be elected, as in Asia, with gender approach and associative criteria: one woman-one man, one Farmers´ association, one rural NGO- by each Continent. At this moment, the representatives of Africa, America and Europe are undergoing the election process. We hope that, in two month, the WCC will be in place.
WRF has attended, from 5th to 11th February 2011, the World Social Forum in Dakar, Senegal. WRF representative gave a talk linking Family Farming with Food Sovereignty. It was a good opportunity to meet many of the IYFF partners and to promote the Campaign.


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