Goat farming is good money

Tired of real estate or money market investments  that turn out to be duds? Despair not! Do what we have been telling you forever: invest in agriculture. for starters, how about goats?

Looking for a farming venture that is not only environment friendly but profitable as well? PCARRD suggests raising goats
Goats are very popular among Filipinos because they require low initial capital investment, fit the small hold farm conditions, and multiply fast,” explained the Laguna-based Philippine Council for Agriculture Forestry and Natural Resources Research Farming and Development (PCARRD) in its investment briefer. “Culturally, goats are integral to every special occasion such as birthdays, baptisms, weddings, and fiestas. Hence, they command a higher price compared with other meats in the market.”
Goats require low maintenance because they eat tree leaves, grasses, weeds, and agricultural by-products. “Goats require less feed than cows and carabaos,” said Rowe Celeste, the livestock supervisor of the Mindanao Baptist Rural Life Center (MBRLC) Foundation, Inc. in Kinuskusan, Bansalan, Davao del Sur.

learn more how you can make big bucks raising goats….


One Response

  1. Could you please help me to start a goat raising and integrated sustainable farming in one (1) hectare of land.
    Manuel Constantino

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