Korean Partnership for the Development of Human Resources in Rural Asia

Dr. Sung Lee
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Current Programs
Yeo Joung Suh completes volunteer work
Ms. Yeo Joung Suh, KoDHRRA volunteer has concluded her 1 year internship at AsiaDHRRA during which time she was able to gain a deeper understanding
Young NorthDHRRAs share OJT experiences
North DHRRA OJTs – Yeo Joung Suh (KoDHRRA), Sung Wei Huang (TaiwanDHRRA), Ryoko Tsuboi (JaDHRRA) and Shui Tsai (TaiwanDHRRA) had a fruitful sharing session last
Suh, Yeo Joung starts one year OJT in AsiaDHRRA
AsiaDHRRA welcomes Ms. Yeo Jeong Suh, KoDHRRA Member as she starts her one year On-the-Job Training (OJT) at the AsiaDHRRA Secretariat Office in Quezon City
KoDHRRA continuously acts to advocate Korean farmers’ rights and interests by suggesting farmer-friendly agricultural policies including cooperation with Asian farmers’ organization. One of the main activities of KoDHRRA is to disseminate the information related to Korean and Asian farmers’ situation and to suggest possible solutions for Asian agriculture including the needs to exchange resources among Asian countries. The following are the main policies of KoDHRRA:
Exchange of agricultural laborers
Korean needs skilled agricultural laborers to promote its agriculture. The current contract policy between Korean government and several Asian countries to bring Asian farmers to Korean farms as farmer trainees has much limitation such as the too high wages that the Korean farmers are mandated to pay the farmer trainees. KoDHRRA tries to invite as many foreign farmers as possible by introducing reasonable and fair arrangements both to Korean farmers and the foreign farmers.
Transmitting Korean agricultural technology to Asian farmers
KoDHRRA also tries to find ways to transmit Korea’s advanced agricultural technology to Asian countries. Using its networks, KoDHRRA continuously persuades Korean leading farmers such as members of the Best Farmers Association (BFA) to join the projects to share Korea’s advanced agricultural technology to Asian farmers.
Financial help
Korean farmers need to invest resources in Asian agriculture since the development of Asian agriculture impacts also the Korean farmers. Around 70% of marketed agricultural products in Korea are imported from overseas. However, only a small amount of the imported agricultural products come from Asian countries mainly because Asian farmers do not have enough information and resources. KoDHRRA requests Korean farmers’ organization to invest resources in Asian countries. Korea’s investment in Asian agriculture will bring benefit both to Asian countries and Korea.
In realizing the above policies, KoDHRRA actively engages in cooperation and exchange activities by supporting Asian farmers’ organizations’ visits to Korea and Korean farmers’ visits to Asian countries. KoDHRRA continues to assist in providing lodging, transportation, translation, and guidance to the farmers’ exchange participants. They also provide the same service and assistance to members of the AsiaDHRRA Secretariat and the other network members when they visit Korea for organizational activities.