Suh, Yeo Joung starts one year OJT in AsiaDHRRA

AsiaDHRRA welcomes Ms. Yeo Jeong Suh, KoDHRRA Member as she starts her one year On-the-Job Training (OJT) at the AsiaDHRRA Secretariat Office in Quezon City Philippines.
During her stay Ms. Suh plans to;

  1. Gain insight, deepen understanding and appreciation of the work of NGOs in Asia particularly in the Philippines
  2. Acquire basic knowledge on managing NGO operations
  3. Develop skill on project development and management
  4. Enhance skill on documentation and research
  5. Assess OJT program experience and prepare re-entry plan on KODHRRA strengthening

Ms. Yeo Joung Suh or Elley has extensive experience in research work having served as research assistant to various professors in Korea and the US. She was also previously an Assistant Research Fellow at Korea Research Institute for Vocational Education and Training (KRIVET).
AsiaDHRRA’s OJT program was designed as part of the second liner development program of the network.


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