Visit the website of the Asia Pacific Food Security Consultation

FAO Civil Society Regional Consultation on Food Security in Asia and the Pacific Region

Have a look-see at the website of the FAO Civil Society Regional Consultation on Food Security in Asia and the Pacific Region. Available for download are the consultation proceedings, various documents and presentations during the activity. You can also view the activity photos.

The overall objective of the regional Civil Society consultations was to agree on a workplan for achieving a concrete civil society agenda with proposed outputs for the upcoming 30th FAO-Asia Pacific Regional Conference in Seoul in September 2010.  It also ushered in a new partnership among CSOs engaging FAO through the creation of the regional CSO Ad Hoc Committee  (AHC) for the APRC. Sixteen regional organizations representing small farmers and fishers, Indigenous Peoples, rural women and youth, and rural development NGOs have signed up participation in the AHC.
The AHC has completed a mission in Seoul in April to start-up the contact building and discussions among Korean CSOs who will play host to the event.  They have agreed to create the Korean CSO Working Committee (KoCWC) composed mainly of farmers associations and cooperatives. The AHC and KoCWC will have its first planning meeting in mid-June in Manila.
The first regional consultation process took place in Pasig City, Philippines on 24-25 February 2010. AsiaDHRRA was CSO host to the event with support from FAO.


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